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P. 36


                                                                    Kevin Hegarty
       Kevin Hegarty Puts Unique Land Swap Together,

       Wins ASBO International Award

        Kevin Hegarty was the man in the middle of an unprecedented   Elementary School District forged an agreement with the
        three-way land swap that netted the Laveen Elementary School   state to swap the district’s parcel for the parcel in the  new
        District a much-needed site for a new school and resulted in   Taylor Morrison development – it was a three-way trade with
        Hegarty receiving a coveted award from ASBO International.  a homebuilder and the apartment developer. It took five years
                                                                to finally close escrow.
        Hegarty, Chief Financial Officer for the school district, was
        one of four school business officials nationally to receive   If the district had merely sold its parcel next to the mall, the
        ASBO International’s 2020 Pinnacle of Achievement Award,   money would have gone back to the state.  But by putting
        which “celebrates the work of outstanding individuals whose   together the three-way trade, the school district benefitted by
        original solutions maximize resources and enhance student   some $5 million, Hegarty said.
        achievement.”  The organization honored Hegarty and the
        others as “innovators in school business management.”   He explained: “We were going to get zero.  The  Attorney
                                                                General said we could swap parcels as long as no buildings
        Soon after Hegarty joined Laveen in 2014, he was tasked with   were on site and the values were the same. So, our district got
        disposing of a site that was no longer suitable for a school   land worth $1.3 million, and the city spent $2.5 million on
        and finding a better place. A busy strip mall, complete with   the park, which includes lighted fields and other features. In
        a Walmart and other retail outlets, sprang up right next to the   addition, Taylor Morrison donated more than $1 million to the
        would-be school site. “Traffic and kids just don’t mix well,”   district. The district owns the entire parcel.”
        Hegarty said.
                                                                The new K-8 school, located at 55th and Carver avenues,
        He oversaw a complex, never-been-done-before series of   is the ninth in the Laveen Elementary School District. It is
        transactions that enabled the school district to acquire a parcel   named Estrella Foothills Global Academy and is designed for
        of land that was supposed to be used for a park. City officials   1,000 students. Doors are scheduled to open for the inaugural
        said they had the money to build a park, but not to maintain   school year October 12, with the official ribbon cutting set for
        it, according to Hegarty. The school district put its site out for   October 27.
        bid, and one developer really showed an interest. “He wanted
        to put apartments and commercial pads there, right next to the   Laveen needed the additional school because of anticipated
        strip mall – perfect, but not for a school,” Hegarty said.  growth in the area due to the 202 freeway extension. “We’re
                                                                expecting 5,500 new homes and apartments in the district in
        A key player in the process was  Taylor Morrison, one of   the next three years,” Hegarty said.
        the largest homebuilders in the United States.  “They had
        stipulations in their development plan that required them to   Hegarty has held key positions at several  Arizona school
        set aside a parcel the  district could acquire for a school and   districts dating back to 1992. Prior to that, he was with the
        a separate parcel for the city to build a park,” Hegarty said.   Dial Corporation for 10 years, serving as Manager of Financial
        “Unfortunately, the Arizona Department of Transportation took   Analysis.
        a swath of land for the 202 freeway extension that eliminated
        that parcel. They were anxious to get their development going   While Hegarty was the man in the middle who made the
        because construction of the freeway extension was scheduled   unprecedented swap happen, he is quick to credit others. “It’s
        to begin shortly. I looked at it as an opportunity.”    good to have great staff who kept thing running, gave me time
                                                                to put this together,” he said. “There were a lot of roadblocks.
        Taylor Morrison still had to meet the stipulation for a school   It took time to break down barriers, but everybody had a
        and park. The apartment developer who wanted the district’s   common goal.”
        parcel next to the mail acquired about 18 acres of the Taylor
        Morrison property, half of which was set aside for the school   Hegarty can be reached at: He will
        and the rest for a park. Hegarty said the school district has the   provide more details on the transactions at AASBO’s upcoming
        use of the park’s amenities during school hours and agreed to   virtual Summer Conference.
        maintain it. Basically, under Hegarty’s guidance, the Laveen

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