Page 32 - AASBO EDGE Back to School 2020.indd
P. 32


                          BY LAURA SZYMANOSKI
                          New Rules Require New Boilerplates

        Laura Szymanoski

        This year has been such a rollercoaster ride for all of us.  We  also  want  to  thank  West-MEC  for  hosting  the  GPPCS
        Although there has been uncertainty and many challenges, I  website and posting these Boilerplate templates.

        want to thank Deer Valley Unified School District for choosing

        me and giving me the opportunity to grow and flourish in this  If you visit the GPPCS website at GPPCS.ORG you will now

        professional career. For myself, this first year has been amazing.  have six (6) different Boilerplates available to you. Examples
        I am also forever grateful for this AASBO organization which I  of IFB’s and RFP’s for individual District, GPPCS cooperative,
        have had the opportunity of being a part of for many years. The  and SAVE cooperative language.
        support I receive from both organizations has been a blessing.
                                                                Also note:  designated clauses highlighted in yellow have
        During this rollercoaster ride however, there is a committee that  been added as a result of the 2020 Arizona Procurement Rules
        has been working for you.                               Revisions  effective  July  1,  2020,  making  these  templates
                                                                wonderful tools to be accessed.  The Boilerplates are a starting
        The GPPCS/SAVE (Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium  point to help Districts draft their own solicitations.  It is by no
        of  Schools)(Strategic  Alliance  of  Volume  Expenditures)  means meant to be etched in stone and should be revised as
        Boilerplate  committee  has  been  working  diligently  to  needed by the District.  It takes just a few minutes to familiarize
                                                                yourselves with the format, and then each District can revise
                                                                and update with their pertinent information - Logo’s, addresses,
                                                                scope of work, etc.

                                                                Although  this  is  not  Legal  advice,  it  is  with  known  Best
                                                                Practices that we provide samples to our colleagues.
                                                                It is the committees sincere hope that these Boilerplates will be a
                                                                launching pad to help Districts comply with the requirements of
                                                                the procurement rules and somewhat standardize solicitations

                                                                across Arizona Districts to the benefit of the vendor community
        provide  updated  solicitation  Boilerplates  ready  and  posted  which serves our Districts.
        on the GPPCS website, to reflect the updated July 1, 2020

        Procurement  Rules  Revisions.  Our  colleagues  across  the  GPPCS was formed and dedicated to keep open Purchasing
        region  and  State  are  kept  busy  with  their  ongoing,  ever  dialogue  between  Districts,  not  only  in  the  Phoenix  area,
        changing, procurement tasks and we wanted to provide  but State wide.  Purchasing and District representatives are
        consistent  Boilerplate  templates.    These  are  provided  as  encouraged to join in on-line at monthly meetings and gain
        samples and a base from which to work from. We knew there  contract and commodity information, as well as Purchasing
        was a need out there for these templates, and we committed  legislation and rules, from seasoned Purchasing Professionals.
        to the task.                                            We are all in this together!  And Purchasing folks are great at
                                                                sharing and caring.
        The committee consists of a group of dedicated professionals:
        Cheryl Burt, Buckeye Elementary School District, Ken Carter,  Let’s keep it moving forward for the great Students of Arizona!
        1GPA, Richard Helm, Pendergast Elementary School District,
        Claudia  Leon,  Paradise  Valley  Unified  School  District,  Bill   Laura  is  the  Purchasing  Services  Director  for  Deer  Valley

        Munch,  Valley  Schools  Management  Group,  Roger  Spivey,   Unifi ed School District and 2017 AZNIGP Manager of the Year.

        Litchfield  Elementary  School  District,  Lari  Staples,  Dysart   She may be reached by email at
        Unified  School  District,  Laura  Szymanoski,  Deer  Valley

        Unified School District, and Jeff Thomason, Roosevelt School


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