Page 29 - AASBO EDGE Back to School 2020.indd
P. 29

A Guide to Effective Leadership in a Crisis

        Perhaps, the only thing employees dislike more than  If purposeful leadership is crucial in times of trouble,
        being ignored is organizational indecision.  When  it follows that the effects of dysfunctional leadership
        leaders fail to act in a timely fashion, it's a recipe  in moments of crisis are particularly devastating. The
        for stakeholder doubt, dissatisfaction, insecurity,  impacts of infighting, therefore, can have catastrophic
        and sometimes even panic. To lead people past these  consequences, including, finger-pointing, and an
        feelings, the root of each of these emotional responses  unwillingness to stand up, take charge.
        must be acknowledged and understood. People expect
        to be appropriately supported and led. In many  Especially in times of trouble, leaders must demonstrate
        respects, leadership is an art, and art comes only  decisiveness, determination, and confidence within
        through hard work and experience.                       whatever direction or decisions they choose.  That's
                                                                the call of leadership.
        Effective superintendent, school board and school
        business official leadership, especially in times of    Michael L. Wright is Superintendent of Blue Ridge Unified
        crisis, requires clear and consistent communication,    Schools. He can be reached at:
        confidence, anticipation,  and  proactive,  data-driven
        decision-making, all without losing touch with people.
        After all, the ultimate responsibility to oversee and
        supervise an entire school district finally falls to this
        select few.

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