Page 29 - The Edge - Fall 2020
P. 29

Auditors Will Be Asking a Lot of New Questions


        You should consider whether there has been an increase
        in the risk of fraud for federal programs due to changes
        in controls, and whether program changes have required
        additional monitoring or tracking measures.

        “There will be more questions than usual because these
        are unusual times,” Park said.”But for auditors, asking
        questions is not enough. They will want to corroborate
        what you say.”

        He strongly recommended that any information sent to
        auditors is via secure methods. Inquiries will be made by
        phone, video and email.

        Changes  that auditors are  expecting from prior  years
        could include a decrease in transportation for reduced
        miles, fewer student trips, lower gas prices, an increase
        in instructional capital for IPads/Chromebooks and
        distance learning opportunities.

        Other items auditors will look for include plant operation
        decreases for shuttered schools and utilities, increased
        federal revenues for expanded food service programs,
        reduced supplemental pay, stipends, and overtime.
                                                                we normally do – back-ups and cross training,” he said.
                                                                “We had to make sure segregation of duties was still in
        “Every  individual has different comfort  levels,”      place. If duties are not compatible with each other, that
        Park said. “The main thing is at end of day we are all   could turn into a large issue.”
        experiencing this together. Show empathy of each other’s
        comfort level. Do our best to accommodate each other.   There was some confusion over an executive order
        As auditors, we understand a lot of changes that districts   relaxing state procurement, but that didn’t affect federal
        are planning, and we will be conscious of this. You’re   procurement.
        not necessarily getting things you want. In return, if you
        experience delays from our side as auditors, we’re also   “We have been working through a digital environment,”
        working through changes.  We all see this as a forced   Vaughn said. “We had to make sure digital filing is as
        opportunity to step outside of our comfort zones.”
                                                                clean as your paper filing.  If things are going to email
                                                                and other digital forms that you’re not used to – a filing
        Linda Virgil said Peoria has been able to maintain normal   system that is not fantastic – it may be difficult to find
        procedures, but faced a lot of challenges when half of   audit requests. That will slow down your team’s work
        their staff is working remotely.  The district canceled   and the audit.”
        field trips, which triggered a lot of calls from parents
        wanting t know when they would get their refund. The    Eugene  Park  can  be  reached  at:  602-277-9449  or
        district worked hard to get checks out in a timely manner.

        She said the district is doing its best to confirm      Michael Vaughn can be reached at: (623) 412-5254 or
        COVID-19 expenditures.                        

        Michael Vaughn said it was difficult at the beginning.   Linda  Virgil  can  be  reached  at:  (623)  486-6076    or
        “We had to make sure we had an even deeper bench than

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