Page 32 - The Edge - Fall 2020
P. 32


                                                  Hannah Olson  Tara Zika
        Specialty Drugs and Their Not So Special Costs

        At a time when many school districts are searching  Provide Incentives for High Deductible Health
        for funds to meet new obligations, employee health  Plans
        insurance  could  be  crippling  your  budget.  So,  if
        you self-insure employee benefits, it’s important to  High deductible health plans often require that the
        implement cost-containment strategies. Otherwise,  employee meet an annual deductible before the
        things could get worse — much worse.                    prescription co-pay structure kicks in, which can
                                                                save money.  They also come with tax-free health
        Specialty Medications – a Big Cost Driver               savings accounts. Many employers choose to make
                                                                cash contributions to those accounts as an incentive
        Did you know that about 50% of total pharmacy  for employees to make the switch.
        spending comes from specialty medications? This
        is forecasted to reach 60% by 2021!  That’s a big  Consider Prior Authorization
        bite out of your plan budget.
                                                                Evaluating the need for certain products and services
        Consider just one example: Zolgensma.  This is a  before you pay for them can also save on costs.
        gene therapy for children with a rare autoimmune  One common example is prior authorization, which
        disease. It costs more than $2 million per patient.  helps ensure that individuals meet certain clinical
        If you’re self-insured, spending like this almost  criteria before treatment or medication is approved.
        certainly isn’t built into your budget.                 Roughly 95% of plans use prior authorization today.

        Granted, Zolgensma constitutes an extreme example.  Specialty medications are a godsend for many, but
        But spending tens or hundreds of thousands of  they come at a steep cost. This reflects a basic reality
        dollars on specialty drugs is not at all uncommon.  of medical economics: Good health care is expensive.
        Although there’s no way to totally eliminate these  But you’re not without options. With a little work,
        sky-high costs, there are a few ways you can help  you can help control the flood of spending. To get
        rein them in.                                           started, talk to your plan administrator or pharmacy
                                                                benefit manager. They should be your partners in
        Adjust Your Medication Formulary                        keeping costs in check.

        A formulary is your plan’s list of covered
        medications. It’s important to frequently review        Hannah  Olson  is  Operations  Manager  and  Tara  Zika
        this list to make sure it’s designed with both health   is  Director  of  Business  Development  for  Kairos  Health
        outcomes and cost-consciousness in mind. For            Arizona, Inc.
        example, you can:
         •  Add a separate specialty medication tier and
             apply a higher coinsurance amount.
         •  Implement medication exclusions in your
         •  Limit specialty medications to a 30-day supply
             to help reduce waste.

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