Page 36 - The Edge - Fall 2020
P. 36


                          BY BILL MUNCH, CPPO, CPPB
                          Procurement Compliance in Our New Reality 2020

        Bill Munch

        Hello, my fellow AASBO members. I hope this article finds   At the Bi-Monthly Webinar on May 13, a ton of information

        you well. Our new reality includes an emphasis on living in   was given about the CARES Act and much-needed funding
        the online world as we cope with trying to remain compliant   that has been made available to our schools in Arizona and
        with the School District Procurement Rules which demand   across the nation. Please be aware that when using CARES
        transparency.                                           Act funds  you should be following Federal Procurement
                                                                guidelines. We know from past historical federal audits around
        As  the stay-at-home  order came down in mid-March and   the country, that the feds will not hesitate to recoup funds
        many  of  us began  telecommuting,  it  became  apparent   that are not spent in compliance with federal requirements.
        that  solutions were needed  to remain  compliant  with   So it is important to follow the federal guidelines for these
        public receipt of bids, bid openings and other transparent   purchases and all other purchases funded by federal dollars.
        requirements  of our procurement  rules.  These challenges
        impact public entities throughout the country. The AASBO   Now  more than ever it is important  to embrace every
        Rules Committee  that  includes  Michelle  Hamilton,  Gary   procurement  tool  we have  in our toolbox.  Cooperative
        Barkman, Ken Carter, Lari Staples, Lila McCleery, Claudia   purchasing can be one of the most important tools we have.
        Leon, Anita McLemore, Kevin Startt and yours truly reached   Cooperative  contracts  that  are competitive  and meet  our
        out to the Auditor General and Attorney General asking for   due-diligence  requirements  can allow  us to expeditiously

        guidance to help school districts remain compliant.     make  our  purchase  in  an  efficient  and  compliant  manner.
                                                                1GPA and Mohave  are  a couple  of the  co-ops out there
                                                                that  have done an excellent  job of incorporating  federal
        "Now more than ever it is important                     requirements into their procurement contracts. Almost all of
                                                                their contracts have federal language that could make them
        to embrace every procurement tool  compliant for CARES Act purchases. Follow the advice of
        we have in our toolbox. Cooperative                     President Reagan and “Trust but verify.”

        purchasing can be one of the most                       As  we move forward in our new reality, the challenges
        important tools we have."                               will be many. It will take a team effort to overcome these
                                                                challenges.  However, these  challenges  will  also  breed
                                                                ingenuity  and  opportunities  to  be  more  effective  in  our

        Richard  Baek  with  the  Office  of  the  Attorney  General   purchasing compliance  efforts.  Along with the resources

        stepped up and worked with his office to help draft an AG   provided by the state, our association can provide support to

        opinion that would help guide us. That opinion issued March   all of us. I am confident that we, as public school business

        23, 2020, can be found at:  officials, are up to the challenge and can remain procurement
        i20-003. Very quickly after the release of the AG opinion,   compliant in our ever-changing world.
        the Auditor General sent an email  providing procurement
        guidance  during  school  closures.  That  guidance,  which   Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance and Training
        includes  reference  to  the  AG opinion,  has  been  posted   Offi cer  for  Valley  Schools  Management  Group,  recipient  of  the  2018
        in  the  FAQ section  of the  Auditor  General  website  at:   AASBO  Bill  Lovett  Award,  and  the  2016  NIGP  National  Purchasing  Manager of the Year.  He provides consultation on public procurement
        districts/faqs/additional-covid-19-school-closures-     matters for school districts and vendors throughout Arizona and across
        guidance.  Further  updates  will  be  posted  there  as  they   the country.  He may be reached at:
        become available.

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