Page 23 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 23



        Help Is on the Way for Financially Strapped Food Service

        Food  Service  departments  were  hit  with  unexpected  Lunch  Program  and  Summer  Food  Service  Program
        expenses  and  a  decrease  in  the  number  of  students  in school year 2020-2021. Basically, she told why the
        participating in meal programs during the COVID-19  funding  is  available,  where  is  it  coming  from,  and
        pandemic, but help is on the way.                      when can schools expect to receive it.

        That assurance was provided by Jessica Krug, School  “When  the  COVID-19  pandemic  began,  many
        Nutrition Programs Specialist, Arizona Department of  schools  closed  abruptly,”  Krug  said.  “School  food
        Education, in a breakout session April 8 at AASBO’s  service  operations  were  interrupted,  scaled  back  or
        virtual Spring Conference. She told of a new funding  some halted completely. They may not have had the
        stream  to  help  cover  operating  costs  incurred  at  the  resources to adapt to the new world that we were in
        beginning of the pandemic. “We’re still early in the  at that time. Schools closed. No one was allowed on
        process, and we will have more information when we  campus.”
        get closer to funds being disbursed,” Krug said.
                                                               She  recalled  that  food  service  operations  shifted  to
        As    AASBO      members     know,    school    food  curbside  or  mobile  service. Although  many  schools
        service  operations  are  primarily  funded  through  were  able  to  continue  serving  meals,  participation
        reimbursements  received  from  the  U.S.  Department  largely declined for various reasons.  In some cases,
        of  Agriculture  for  meals  served  that  meet  federal  families  may  not  have  felt  safe  leaving  their  homes
        requirements,  in  addition  to  payments  received  for  or  they  may  not  have  had  transportation  to  get  to  a
        full or reduced-price meals. They may also be funded  pickup location.
        through food sales outside of the regular meal service,
        such as a la carte sales, catering or snack bars.      “There  were  many  reasons,  resulting  in  decreased
                                                               reimbursement revenue, while expenses remained or
        Krug  discussed  the  Child  Nutrition  Program’s  increased in order to serve meals safely,” Krug said.
        Emergency Operating Costs Reimbursement Program
        for  schools  that  operated  under  the  National  School  The  federal  program  adapted  to  the  abrupt  change.

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