Page 18 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 18


                                                                              Dave Frandsen
        Bus Driver Safety Involves More Than Traffic and Kids

        There’s  a  lot  more  to  transportation  safety  than  accidents are the leading cause of injuries, there are
        driving a school bus, such as dealing with potentially  other types of potential causes of injuries.
        dangerous situations in bus barns and recognizing
        physical and mental signs of stress.                    Frandsen  told  of  recently  inspecting  a  school  site
                                                                when he spotted portable goal posts that apparently
        During breakout session April 8 as part of AASBO’s  were damaged and would dip over if kids hung on
        virtual  Spring  Conference,  Dave  Frandsen  of  The  them. He notified facilities staff and within minutes
        Trust  provided  insightful  tips  on  ways  to  reduce  employees showed up and fixed the problem. Safety
        and even avoid accidents and injuries. He covered  involves  how  quickly  you  address  a  potential
        transportation  safety  topics  that  some  districts  problem, he said.
        forget  or  neglect  when  training  staff.  While  bus
                                                                “Let your people know that safety is important – you
                                                                want them to speak up,” Frandsen said. “Develop a
                                                                safety culture in the Transportation Department. Be
                                                                a safety champion.”

                                                                Slips, trips and falls represent the second cause of
                                                                injuries for bus drivers, especially in transportation
                                                                barns and yards, but also getting on and off buses.
                                                                Frandsen  blamed  a  lack  of  proper  equipment,
                                                                policies,  procedures  and  awareness.  Some  people
                                                                have unsafe behavior, saying they’ve always done it
                                                                that way. “Educate and train employees about what
                                                                is safe and what is not safe,” Frandsen said

                                                                A big concern as part of training drivers involves
                                                                jumping out of the rear of a bus within 30 seconds.
                                                                Drivers can sit and slide out to minimize the impact.
                                                                Work with them if, for any reason including weight
                                                                or knee issues, they have trouble jumping out of a
                                                                bus, Frandsen said.

                                                                He  emphasized  the  importance  of  drivers  having
                                                                proper,  yet  comfortable,  footwear  to  avoid  slips
                                                                and trips. A slip-resistant sole is very important, but
                                                                sandals are out.

                                                                Make sure employees use ladders properly, he said,
                                                                adding,  “Step  ladders  are  everywhere,  chairs  are
                                                                gone.  Nobody  is  standing  on  chairs  anymore.  A
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

        18                                                                             THE EDGE   SUMMER 2021
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