Page 17 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 17


                          BY BILL MUNCH, CPPO, CPPB
                          Vendor ‘Confidential Information’ in Bids,

                          Request for Proposals
        Bill Munch

        This  little  article  should  not  be  considered  legal  advice   “One  thing  to  always  keep  in
        but  merely  best  practice  recommendations  based  on  our
        School District Procurement Rules and my 30-plus years of  mind  is  that  pricing  can  never  be
        experience  as  a  certified  public  procurement  professional
        working with vendors both locally and nationally.      ‘confidential  information’  since  it
                                                               is the basis for the award.”
        As  I  travel  around  this  great  state  of  ours,  albeit  mostly
        virtually  for  the  past  several  months,  I  continue  to  get
        myriad questions about whether vendors can have what they   request. The “confidential information” shall not be released
        believe is “confidential information” withheld from the final   until the final written determination is made. If the 10-day
        public procurement file.  Generally speaking, all information   period has passed or the school district determines that the
        received from vendors within their bid or proposal is public   information  is  not  “confidential,”  then  the  school  district
        information, with the exception of that information deemed   may release the information.
        “confidential” by the school district.
        Arizona School District Procurement Rule R7-2-1006 tells   If  the  procurement  file  does  contain  information  that  is
        us  that  “confidential  information”  would  consist  of  trade   confidential  under  R7-2-1006,  a  copy  of  the  applicable
        secrets  or  other  proprietary  data  that  would  cause  undue   documents with the confidential information redacted shall
        harm to the offeror, if disclosed. One thing to always keep in   be placed in the procurement file for the purpose of public
        mind is that pricing can never be “confidential information”   inspection. The unredacted original copy of the confidential
        since  it  is  the  basis  for  the  award.  Furthermore,  an  entire   information  shall  be  placed  in  a  sealed  envelope  or  other
        proposal cannot be deemed “confidential.” Only the portion   appropriate container, identified as confidential information,
        that causes undue harm may be deemed as “confidential.”  and maintained in the procurement file.

        Bidders  or  offerors  who  believe  their  proposal  contains   It  is  my  sincere  hope  this  article  sheds  some  light  on
        “confidential  information”  must  include  a  statement   “confidential information” in bids and proposals. Stay well
        advising the school district of this in their submission and   and I look forward to more in-person contact in the future
        the information shall be so identified wherever it appears.   and the curtailment of “Brady Bunch” Zoom meetings. We
        Contract  terms  and  conditions,  pricing,  and  information   could not have survived without them, but let’s hope they go
        generally  available  to  the  public  are  not  considered   back to being the exception and not the rule.
        “confidential  information.”  The  school  district  must  not
        disclose  “confidential  information”  until  after  a  formal   As always, I encourage vendors and school districts alike to
        determination is made by the district.                 reach out to me with their procurement questions and issues.
                                                               Feel free to try to “Stump the Munch”! I am here to help and
        Upon  receipt  of  a  submission  designating  information   truly believe that strong vendors help us make strong school
        as  “confidential,”  the  school  district  shall  make  a   districts.
        written  determination  that  the  designated  information  is
        “confidential”  and  the  school  district  shall  not  disclose   Until next time, may all your procurement dreams come true
        the  information,  or  that  the  designated  information  is  not   and may the procurement force be with you!
        “confidential.”  The  school  district  may  request  additional
        information to make the determination.                 Bill  Munch,  CPPO,  CPPB  is  the  Procurement  Compliance
                                                               and  Training  Officer  for  Valley  Schools  Management  Group,
        The  vendor  may  request  a  review  of  the  district’s   recipient of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award and the 2016
        determination  by  filing  in  writing  with  the  district  within   NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the Year. He provides
        10  calendar  days.  The  request  for  review  shall  state  the   consultation on public procurement matters for school districts
        precise legal or factual errors in the district’s decision. If a   and vendors across the state of Arizona and across the country.
        request for review is received, the school district will then   He may be reached at:
        issue a final written determination to the person filing the

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