Page 12 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 12

Are You Helping to Set the Tone at the Top?


        We also communicate the audit results with our  I  am  not  the  “tone  at  the  top.”  However,  I  can
        school  and  department  support  staff.  It’s  part  provide knowledge when the opportunity arises
        of  our  annual  fraud  and  separation-of-duties  and make the opportunities where I can to share
        presentation. If there is a particular local school  the laws we must follow. I know that not everyone
        district example, we share it. We want them to  likes or agrees with the laws, but no one is above
        understand  that  fraud  really  happens  and  that  them. When in doubt, I remind myself of a quote
        they are a vital role in its prevention. This is a  from Martin Luther King Jr.: “The time is always
        foundation to define the “tone at the top” with the  right to do what’s right.” We are not perfect, but
        staff on the front lines. We follow up this spring  we always have a choice. Let your conscience be
        presentation with a full day of summer training  your guide.
        and six meetings with them throughout the year.
        We celebrate those who strive to be extraordinary      Francie  Wolfe-Baumann,  Accounting  Coordinator, Finance
        and support those who are struggling. While we         Department, Dysart Unified School District, can be reached at:
        continue to not be perfect, we keep striving to be     (623) 876-7058 or

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