Page 9 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 9

My brother Henry encouraged me to run for an
        AASBO  board  position.  I  decided  to  run  for
        Director of Membership – and I won. But, during
        my campaign for Vice President, my son Ernesto
        Meza Jr., became critically ill. He needed a bone
        marrow  transplant  to  cure  his  blood  disorder.
        We were told he had a 50% chance of survival.
        Irene, my wife, and I were terrified. We knew we
        needed to do everything in our power to support
                                                                        Your K12 dream team for dining
        our son. I approached John Fung, who was then-               services and facilities management
        Executive Director of AASBO, and the AASBO
        Board of Directors, asking to remove my name
        from  the  race  for Vice  President.  John  and  the       Food kids love to eat   Industry leading equipment
                                                                    The largest team of chefs & dietitians  Superior cleaning guidelines
        Executive Board encouraged me not to withdraw,              Fun, innovative programs  Focus on clean, safe and healthy facilities
        to continue the campaign, and if things did not
        work  out  I  could  always  resign.  I  will  always
        remain grateful to these people for this heart-felt               For more information please contact:
                                                                          Tyler Geopfert Chartwells Regional Sales Director
        advice. My son is now 100% healthy and he and                     e.
                                                                          c. 480.500.5066
        his wife have given Irene and me two wonderful
        grandsons.                                                        Nikki Crider SSC Regional Sales Director
                                                                          c. 480.861.6109
        I  served  on  the  AASBO  Board  of  Directors
        for  about  13  years,  with  my  last  position  as
        Immediate Past President.

        I  have  so  many  people  to  give  thanks  to  for  Director  is  at  Deer  Valley  Unified  School
        helping  me  during  my  career  as  a  School  District – 32 schools, by far the most I have ever
        Business  Official.  Two  individuals  stand  supervised.
        out.  The  first  is  my  brother  Henry,  who  had
        encouraged me to take AASBO classes and run  June  30,  2021,  will  be  my  last  official  day
        for office. Secondly is Brian Mee, my mentor, a  as  a  School  Business  Official  after  39  years
        former AASBO President himself, and currently  of  working  with  some  truly  great  people  and
        Executive Director of AASBO. Brian had faith  schools. I am forever grateful to all the members
        and  confidence  in  me  when  he  promoted  me  who  have  crossed  my  path  and  taught  me  a
        to  Director  of  Maintenance,  Operation  and  thing  or  two  about  being  a  successful  School
        Transportation  for  the  Murphy  School  District.  Business Official. I especially have to thank the
        I  worked  for  Murphy  School  District  for  25  AASBO  organization  as  a  whole  for  being  the
        years. I then was hired at Pendergast Elementary  key to my success. I will continue to encourage
        as  Director  of  Transportation  under  the  direct  young school personnel to become involved with
        supervision of Brian Mee.                              AASBO to be the best School Business Officials
                                                               they can be.
        I retired from ASRS in 2009 after 28 years and
        remained retired for about eight months. Since
        then I have worked at numerous districts (double
        dipping).  My  last  district  as  Transportation

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