Page 6 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 6
Roadmap to the Future and Beyond
e Essence of Leadership
Brian Mee
Mark Twain once said, “Really great people
As school business officials, we are called • Technology infrastructure meets the needs
make you feel that you too, can be great.” When
upon to be good stewards of the resources we of staff and students across the district.
elected as President to the Association of School
Business O cials International, I was charged
are charged with overseeing. I can think of no
with the task to come up with a theme for my • All students and staff have the resources
better way to show our staff and community our
presidency. e theme I chose was something
commitment to that charge than by preparing and and tools they need to succeed.
I called, E3 Leadership. “If your actions inspire
implementing a responsible budget or spending
others to dream more, learn more and become
more, you are a leader” is quote by John Quincy In other words, everything we do in the Business
Adams captures the essence of leadership and Office – including and especially developing a
lays the foundation I would like to focus on
To be effective, the budget must be clearly tied sound budget – affects everyone and everything
this year as I share some of the views from my
to the vision and mission of the school district. in the district. Clearly matching the budget to
messages as ASBO International President.
Changes in economic conditions, technology, the vision and mission of the school district is
Leadership is one of the most important
roles for school business o cials – and it is also
personnel, and competition often limit our imperative.
one of the most challenging responsibilities.
ability to plan and forecast the future. This
When it comes to leadership in our jobs, it isn’t
past year is a perfect example if that. However, A sound spending plan helps us coordinate our
necessarily something we do, that is, lead. It’s
we should be compelled to think ahead as we efforts within the Business Office and throughout
who we are – leaders. E3 Leadership – Envision,
Engage and Empower are essential elements of
formalize our goals and objectives and make our the district, so the objectives of the school board
budget a roadmap for reaching those goals, those and the community are met with transparency
Envision: One of the most important traits of
destination points. and accountability.
all great leaders is the ability to have a clear vision
for their organization — a distinct and vibrant
That is why it's so important that the school A detailed plan also tells our staff what is expected
concept of what the organization should stand
for and strive for now and in the future.
business official be considered a key member
Engage: Effective leaders engage all the
of the district leadership team. As we all know,
stakeholders through collaboration and soliciting
school business officials are involved in more Speaking of excellence, I would like to thank our
their input, considering their ideas, and taking constructive
than just the numbers end of district operations.
criticism regarding the vision and the path toward its outstanding President Nate Bowler for providing a clear
realization. ey weigh the stakeholders’ interests and needs and positive vision for our recently completed 66th Annual
Our reach stretches across the district, from
and align them with the vision to achieve the desired result. Conference and Exposition – Learn from the Past, Go Forward
accounting to health care to risk management to
Empower: One of the most important skills of every to the Future, and of course a huge thank you is due to all
transportation and beyond.
successful leader is the ability to empower others to make the speakers, vendors, volunteers and especially Ana, Audrey,
decisions that support the organization’s vision. Effective Chuck and Je for providing the outstanding foundation on
leaders grant others this decision-making authority, but they which we build this event. e keynote presentations by Josh
AASBO members have a role in ensuring that:
also provide the guidance, coaching, resources, and tools Tickell and Aron Ralston were informative and quite moving,
• Buses are well-maintained and on schedule.
necessary to ensure the decisions support the work of the the professional development breakout sessions provided
organization. Success requires mutual trust and a clear vision. our members with a wealth of knowledge on a broad range of
• Facilities are well maintained, and everything
Leadership also involves another E: Excellence. E ective topics, and the tribute to Carolyn Warner, the iconic Arizona
leaders create an environment that expects — even demands Superintendent of Public Instruction, brought back fond
is work properly and efficiently.
excellence. In that environment everyone strives to produce memories for all of us.
• Indoor environmental quality of every nook
a quality product. In our case, that quality product is students I welcome new members to our Board of Directors, and
and cranny of every school is healthy.
who have the knowledge and skills to succeed in higher applaud AASBO members who were recognized at our Annual
education, in the workforce and our society. If we are excellent Conference for their accomplishments.
• Employee benefits are adequate.
in our supportive responsibilities, our education sta can focus Finally – a reminder. Our rst bimonthly meeting of the new
on their responsibilities. school year is September 11 at EVIT. You’re invited!