Page 4 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 4


                          BY LIZETTE HUIE
                          It Is Not Goodbye – It’s See You Later!

        Lizette Huie

        Wow, what a school year 20-21 has been!  a whole new COVID adventure and nowhere
        When  I  first  began  my  official  duties  as  near  pixy  dust  and  rainbows.  The  year
        AASBO  President  and  selected  the  Disney  brought in more of the COVID villain with
        theme  for  the  year,  “The  Wonderful  World  lots of new challenges – not only personally
        of  AASBO,  where  the  magic  begins  and  but professionally especially in the world of
        the  learning  never  ends,”  I  never  thought  public  education.  However,  through  it  all  I
        that the year would turn into an unforeseen  feel like “The Wonderful World of AASBO,
        rollercoaster  ride  with  lots  of  twists,  turns,  where the magic begins and the learning never
        and unforeseen highs and lows! I don’t think  ends” still holds true. Absolutely! Although,
        any of us expected this.                                our  delivery  of  services  and  support  was
                                                                much more different compared to in-person
        I  envisioned  a  year  full  of  pixy  dust  and  conferences and courses, we still managed to
        rainbows!  Instead, this year brought us into  connect,  keep  informed,  and  work  together

        4                                                                              THE EDGE   SUMMER 2021
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