Page 8 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 8
The Life of a School Business Official
Ernie Meza
February 22, 1982 – my first day as a School began, delivering and setting up the equipment
Business Official. I reported to my job site at in each classroom. At the end of each day I had
W.R. Sullivan School, one of four schools in to return the equipment to a designated storage
the Murphy School District. I was assigned my room. While I was doing this I passed hospitality
custodial closet, custodial cart and given a map suites, happy hour gatherings and just observing
of the campus. Fifteen classrooms, two boys’ everyone having a good time networking. At
restrooms and two girls’ restrooms that I was that point I still never dreamed I would be a Past
responsible for cleaning during my eight-hour President one day.
shift were highlighted in yellow.
“I never dreamed that one day I
I never dreamed that one day I would be a Past
President of one of the most prestigious school would be a Past President of one
business organizations in the state – the Arizona of the most prestigious school
Association of School Business Officials. business organizations in the state –
the Arizona Association of School
Three months after my start date I was promoted
to Unit Operations Manager and changed job Business Officials.”
sites. I was reporting to what was then Murphy
#3, now named A.M. Hamilton School. I oversaw I will never forget Creta Sabine, who often
three night custodians and one bus driver. During encouraged me to prepare myself so I could one
my 10-year tenure as Unit Operations Manager day become President of AASBO. I was flattered
I was introduced to AASBO by my brother, but did not believe it was possible.
Henry Meza, and Starr Burke, a Past President
During this time, I took all
10 AASBO disciplines of
school business. During this
time I also was responsible
for gathering, delivering,
and setting up TVs, VCRs,
overhead projectors, extension
cords and power strips that
were used for AASBO classes
during the summer conference
in Tucson. I remember getting
up early, before the classes