Page 38 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 38

How to Deal with Procurement Problems


        In  cases  of  conflict-of-interest,  an  employee  cannot  used for – don’t be afraid to ask.” If it’s clearly for
        make  a  purchase  from  a  vendor  who  is  a  relative,  commercial purposes, assess appropriate fees.
        but  the  district  can  do  business  with  that  vendor  as
        long  as  the  potential  conflict  is  fully  disclosed.  For   All public records requests should submitted to one
        the employee with the conflict, it’s “don’t participate  department  and  then  disbursed  to  the  appropriate
        –  hands  off,”  McCleery  advised.  This  does  not  just  department  for  fulfillment,  according  to  McCleery.
        apply  to  the  contract,  sale,  purchase  or  service  –  it  “Do  not  provide  the  records  until  the  district  has
        applies to a decision, too.                             received payment for the records request,” she said.

        It  an  employee  has  a  conflict,  it  is  vital  that   Lila  McCleery  can  be  reached  at:  (602)  764-1404  or
        the  Purchasing  Department  is  made  aware.  The
        recommendation      is   annual   conflict-of-interest
        training  and  annual  disclosure  forms  from  all     Larry  Larson  can  be  reached  at:  (602)  764-1402  or
        employees. Conflict-of-interest should be covered in
        the Governing Board policies. In the district’s vendor
        file, note that a specific vendor has a conflict with an

        On  unrealistic  public  records  requests,  McCleery
        strongly recommended: “Ask what the records will be

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              Contract # #17-15P-02  Contract # ADEQ18-186321

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