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P. 27
By Don Harris
Federal Dollars Are Available
– Just Follow EDGAR
Bobby Williams II Lourdes Banuelos
Having access to those all-important federal dollars enables School districts are generally considered a pass-through
school districts to make vital purchases as long as procurement entity, which is “a non-federal entity that provides a sub-
experts are familiar with EDGAR. award to a sub-recipient to carry out part of a federal program,”
“Who is EDGAR? asked Bobby Williams II, Procurement Williams said.
Specialist Supervisor at Mesa Public Schools. Then he “We’re a pass-through entity,” Williams said.
answered his own question: “Education Department General The U.S. Department of Education describes a micro-
Administrative Regulations.” purchase of “supplies or services using simplified acquisition
Williams and Lourdes Banuelos, Assistant Director of procedures, the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the
Business Services for Tolleson Union High School, explained micro-purchase threshold.” The non-federal entity, for example
during a breakout session at the Vendor/Buyer Conference a school district, “uses such procedures in order to expedite the
the various options available to school districts when using completion of its lowest-dollar small purchase transactions and
federal funds to make a purchase. EDGAR has been in effect minimize the associated administrative burden and cost.”
since December 26, 2014, and includes a streamlined version
of previous rules and regulations. Continued on page 28
Crowdfunding best practices
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AM-C04381 (Jan. 19)