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By David Lewis and Jill Barragan
I’ll Miss Arizona ASBO, but Am Thanks, David, for Fostering
Excited About New Venture Professional Development
“ wouldn’t have had the many s AASBO President, with mixed
professional opportunities
emotion, I want to take this
A opportunity to thank David
or even my current job if it
I hadn’t been for the training Lewis for his service as the AASBO
and camaraderie that I have received Executive Director for the past eight
from Arizona ASBO.” years. While we feel great excitement
and joy for David and his new journey,
This is probably one of the we will also truly miss him and the
most common statements I have David Lewis leadership he brought to our incredible Jill Barragan
heard since beginning as AASBO’s organization. David has fostered the
Executive Director and it is without question that this environment of professional development, leadership
sentiment holds the same for me as it does for our members. and networking that makes AASBO such an amazing
With this in mind, I am very pleased to let everyone know association. This new journey for David is one that he is
that I have accepted the position with ASBO International very much looking forward to. And an added benefit is that
as their new Executive Director, beginning in early April. we will still be able to see him at ASBO International events.
The AASBO Executive Committee has begun the process So while we are sad for this loss to our organization, we can
of identifying candidates for Executive Director, and I have be nothing but happy and proud for David and this next
offered my full support to help out during the transition in chapter in his career and life. May your feet take you where
any way I can. your heart wants to go!
Although I will certainly miss having the chance to work
with all of our outstanding staff and Members on a day-to-
day basis, I am very excited about the opportunities and
challenges that will come with this new position. I believe
we have, through all working together, made a significant
positive impact on the perception and importance of public
education in Arizona, and it is with great enthusiasm that
I look forward to promoting these values at the national
I want to thank all of you for your support for both me
personally and for the incredibly important mission of our
work. Because of this, I know Arizona ASBO is in good
hands and that these efforts will continue on behalf of
Arizona’s students.