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By Nate Bowler, AASBO President-elect

                          ‘KISWSF’ — Keeping It

                          Simple with School Finance

           When your RCL isn’t as much as you
        want it to be because your ADM is down
        even though the BSL is up and you are
        using your TRCL instead of your TSL, thank
        goodness that you have a good BBCF. You
        might even be transferring DAA to your
        M&O or RCL to your UCO to help out. Or
        did you determine that an IFB, RFP, or RFQ
        was appropriate for your project or did you
        just use JOC on a co-op? If none of these
        sentences made sense to you, then this
        article may be for you. If you understood
        everything in these sentences, then this               that you can say that it is average daily membership, but then
        article is most definitely for you.                    be ready to explain the next question: What is membership? If
            As we interact with all of our different stakeholders, there are   you can avoid the acronym, however, you help to educate those
        many levels of understanding of School Finance. We influence  around you on the elements to school finance. Practice makes
        everyone from the homeowner who wants to know why taxes are   perfect. Practice in board meetings, in the office, etc. Board
        going up, to fellow administrators, legislators, community business   meetings are a good place to practice avoiding acronyms. You
        partners, and our governing boards that are involved in our students’   never know who might show up!
        lives. We need to be cognizant of our acronyms and vernacular and
        try to educate when we can. Here are a few good rules of thumb               INVEST
        when communicating with others regarding school finance.   Invest the time when you have a captive audience. If you
                           RECOGNIZE                           have someone who is interested in school finance, embrace it.
                                                               Spending just 5 – 10 minutes talking to someone, it’s one more
           Try to recognize that you live in this crazy world of school  person who can help advocate for education – one more person
        finance every day. Most people don’t. Your average community  in your corner. It may turn into 30 minutes to an hour but
        member has no idea that there is a difference between  embrace it. The school finance “geekdom” has plenty of room!
        attendance and enrollment. Try to recognize moments that you   A group of AASBO members have updated the Arizona
        might be using terms that not everyone understands. In your   School Finance Summary Manual. It can be downloaded from
        emails or presentations, try to catch yourself and see if there are  the Members Only tab on the website. This year’s manual is
        any terms that you are using that will need to be explained for  now enhanced with links to supporting sites and documents.
        a first-time attendee to a community meeting. Have someone  To access it, log into your AASBO account, click on the
        who maybe isn’t in school finance every day critique it for  Membership tab, and then click Members Only. This can be a
        understanding. A friend or family member outside of work is a  great tool.
        good soundboard for this. It helps a lot!                 Recognize  that  you  speak  a  different  language.  Avoid
                               AVOID                           acronyms in public meetings as much as you can, and invest
                                                               the time to educate when you have an engaged listener. Now
           It’s best to avoid using acronyms as much as you can. A good  when you explain the reason that your revenue is down because
        habit is to avoid them in public meetings such as governing   you have less enrolled students and there is some carry-over
        board meetings. This will help you when you are communicating   budget from last year along with the option to move funds from
        with other community members as well. If you are going to use  an additional pot of money, you may not get as many glazed
        acronyms, be sure YOU know what they mean! It’s a good idea  looks! And perhaps, people will have a better understanding of
        to refresh your memory now and then with what the acronyms  what you do to support the students of Arizona.
        stand for in case you get asked. Make sure that you can say,
        when asked, that an RFQ is a request for qualifications and an  Nate Bowler can be reached at: or (623) 925-
        IFB is an invitation for bidding. When you say ADM, make sure  33407.

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