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                                           By Don Harris

                                           Multiple Reasons Why Managing

                                           Capital Assets Is So Important
        Sara Kirk        Deb Godley

           The task of managing capital assets and overseeing property   Maintaining proper records helps safeguard against theft
        control of your school district is important for many reasons,   and maximizes efficient use of your property, Kirk said.  It also
        not the least of which is taking care of taxpayers’ dollars.  helps to keep taxpayers and grantors well-informed.
           Sara Kirk, Consulting Partner with Heinfeld Meech, and   “When you go to voters for bond funds, they want to know
        Deb Godley, in capital assets with West-MEC, offered tips and  that you spent funds for that specific item,” Kirk said. “The
        suggestions for AASBO members in a breakout session at the   majority of bond funds are converted to capital assts. Can you
        annual Winter Conference on January 30.                show how you spent funds?  It’s the same with federal grants for
           Kirk recommended utilizing information on capital assets  vocational education.”
        for current and long-range planning. If you don’t, you might   Another factor involves risk management. That means
        not know when the last time your school had a roofing project.  making sure you have property insurance that is adequate for
        It can be an important tool for financial decision-making.  replacements, especially to protect against a disaster, Kirk said.
           “School districts are the stewards of public funds,” Kirk
        said. “If you don’t know what you have, do you make the right
        decisions about future expenditures of public funding?”                               Continued on page 12

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