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Managing Capital Assets                                   Who is responsible for the development and review of

        Continued from page 10                                 processes and procedures to ensure the district’s assets are
                                                               accounted for consistently and accurately?
                                                                  Who is responsible for day-to-day asset recordkeeping that
           Government auditing standards require the auditor to  could involve a purchase or the disposal of an asset?
        consider internal control over financial reporting.       Who is responsible for managing significant construction projects?
           “An auditor must report deficiencies in internal control,  If more than one person is involved, are they communicating?
        Kirk said. “ A deficiency exists when the design or operation   Who is responsible for the reconciliation of asset additions
        of a control does not allow management or employees – in  to expenditures? USFR (Uniform System of Financial Records)
        the normal course of performing their assigned functions –  requires that this be done at least annually. Who reviews this?
        to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely   Who is responsible for performing physical inventories? At
        basis.                                                 minimum, it should be performed every three years. Be aware that
           “Material weakness is a deficiency or combination of  the federal government requires such inventories every two years.
        deficiencies in internal control, such that there is a reasonable   Who is responsible for reconciling the results of the physical
        possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial  inventory to the system asset records?
        statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on   Godley asked whether it is a shared responsibility. “If you
        a timely basis.                                        have the luxury of more than one employee, separation of
           “A significant deficiency is a deficiency or combination of   duties is essential,” she said. “It’s important to reconcile what
        deficiencies in internal control that is less severe than a material  you find and what you don’t find. A key question is: how many
        weakness, yet is important enough to merit attention by those  people are responsible?”
        charged with governance.”                                 Kirk raised another query: “To capitalize or not to capitalize
           It’s also important to define responsibilities and make sure  an asset – that is the question. The answer – it depends.”
        they have been clearly communicated to your employees. Kirk
        posed these questions:                                                                Continued on page 14

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