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By Don Harris
3 Officials Tell How They Gave
Raises with 20 by 2020 Funds
Scott Heusman Jeremy Calles Dale Ponder
School districts are handling the 20 percent pay raises intended for of Business Services, Tolleson Union High School District, and Dale
teachers in different ways, depending on their financial circumstances. Ponder, Chief of Finance and Operations, Crane Elementary School
In a breakout session at the AASBO Winter Conference, business District, explained the intricacies of the pay package and even got
officials of three districts described how they parceled out the money feedback from AASBO members in the audience on how they each
they received in the first year of a three-year program advocated by implemented the law.
Gov. Doug Ducey and approved by the Arizona Legislature last year. Heusman emphasized that a key word in the law is “intend,” which
Labeled 20 by 2020, Senate Bill 1520 states that the basic state apparently provides some wiggle room on how school officials have
aid appropriation for fiscal year 2018-2019 includes a general fund interpreted it. The law also states that the raises are to be based on
increase of $273,706,100, which the Legislature and governor intend to the average teacher’s salary statewide, which means actual salary
be used for teacher salary increases. What that means is that teachers increases may vary from district to district.
are to receive a 20 percent raise by 2020 – 10 percent in 2018, 5 percent “As a group of AASBO members,” Heusman said, “we’re smarter if
in 2019, and 5 percent in 2020. we work together.”
Scott Heusman, Director of Business Operations, Alhambra
Elementary School District; Jeremy Calles, Chief Financial Officer Continued on page 18
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