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Raises with 20 by 2020 Funds                           Incoming teachers who were not in a classroom the year before were

        Continued from page 16                                 given a 5 percent raise.
                                                                  Heusman said Alhambra has more than 12,000 students in pre-
                                                               school through 8th grade, 93 percent are eligible for free or reduced
           He posed several questions: “How did your district or charter use   cost lunches and 87 percent are Hispanic
        additional funding? Did you give it only to instructional teachers’   Because Alhambra teachers make $9,990 more than the average
        salaries? Maybe you gave it to other certified staff, such as coaches.   teacher and the raises had to be based on the average salary of
        What about support staff? Even though the intention is for teachers’   Arizona teachers, the district could not give them a raise of 10 percent.
        salaries, the law doesn’t preclude us from giving raises to others.  Heusman explained that Alhambra gave its classroom teachers a 5.5
        Administrative salaries are taboo, but maybe you gave them raises   percent raise from the 20 by 2020 dollars, but the teachers received a
        from another source. Maybe you used some of it to offset a budget   total of 8 percent when years of experience and professional growth
        deficit.”                                              were factored into the district’s salary schedule.
           Ponder said Crane, located in Yuma, is pre-school through 8th   Other certified and classified staff, including coaches, bus drivers,
        grade, has 6,300 students, 78 percent qualify for free or reduced price   custodians and nurses got 4 percent, plus steps and levels that boosted
        lunches and 81 percent are Hispanic.                   the increase up to 6 percent, Heusman said. Administrators got no
           Crane has a different definition of teachers, following an opinion of   raises.
        the Attorney General, which states that a teacher must spend at least   Recommendations for the pay raises came from a special committee
        50 percent of the time in a classroom and have a teaching certificate.   led by the superintendent and consisting of instructional teachers and
        If they have a teaching certificate but work as a counselor, they do not   other certified staff. Heusman said Alhambra has not committed to
        qualify as a teacher, Ponder explained.                any additional raises until the Legislature actually allocates the money.
           Crane provided an 11 percent increase to current teachers who   Calles said Tolleson Union High School District has six high
        met that definition, helping in the district’s retention and recruitment   schools, is adding a seventh, and has more than 12,000 students. The
        efforts, and 9 percent for incoming teachers who were in a classroom
        – public, charter or private – for 2017-18 school year, Ponder said.                 Continued on page 20

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