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Raises with 20 by 2020 Funds                           maintain it any more. They’re going to have to downgrade their

        Continued from page 18                                 quality of life. Last year, this year, next year we can do more than
                                                                  At the end of the formal presentation, attendees were asked
        sprawling district includes Tolleson and parts of Phoenix, Avondale  to respond electronically to a series of questions. More than 20
        and Glendale.                                          responded to most of the questions.
           The year before the 20 by 2020 legislation was enacted, Tolleson gave   Q. What percentage did you give instructional teachers?
        all employees a 5 percent raise, Calles said. Last year, all employees,   A. 15 gave 5-10 percent; 9 gave more than 10 percent.
        including certified and support staff, received a 10 percent raise.    Q. What percentage did you give other certified staff?
           In the district’s meet-and-confer process, meetings are held   A. 19 gave 5 to 10 percent.
        with all three groups at the same time – teachers, support staff and   Q. What about support staff?
        administrators. “They’re all our professionals,” Calles said.  A. 14 gave 5 to 10 percent; 9 gave less than 5 percent.
           Calles said it is fortunate that Tolleson is experiencing growth,   Q. What percentage did you give administrators?
        which enables it to offer the salary increases it does. “Growth – that’s   A. 13 gave less than 5 percent; 10 gave 5 to 10 percent; no one
        always the silver bullet,” he said. The district also has $20 million carry-  gave more than 10 percent; and three gave them nothing.
        over and benefitted from a capital override. “Our situation is different   Asked whether the presentation was helpful, 13 said it was great;
        from other districts,” he said.                        and 7 said it was OK but they needed more detailed information.
           Calles said he expects funding for 20 by 2020 to continue. But he   Four opted for this response; “These guys are a joke. When does
        cautioned against paying new hires more than existing employees with   the buffet open?”
        the same experience.
            In a normal funding year, when there is no extra money, Calles said   Scott Heusman can be reached at: (602) 336-2070.
        it is important to enable employees to maintain their quality of life.
           “They  all  need  a percentage  increase  equal  to  the  rate  of   Jeremy Calles can be reached at: (623) 478.4003.
        inflation,” Calles said. “If you give a 1 percent raise and inflation
        goes up 2.2 percent, that quality of life, that lifestyle – they can’t  Dale Ponder can be reached at (928) 373-3405.

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