Page 27 - AASBO Winter 2019.indd
P. 27


                             Con  icts of Interest — Is Your

                             District Ready for Compliance?
            Jessica Sanchez

              “Arizona’s con  ict of interest laws serve to prevent self-  HB 2663, made significant revisions to A.R.S. §15-213,
            dealing by public o   cials…    e   nancial interests of public  procurement practices of school districts and charter schools;
            o   cers or employees must not con  ict with the unbiased  violations; classification; definitions.  These significant
            performance of their public duties because ‘one cannot serve   revisions include:
 OPTIMAL    two masters with con  icting interests.’”  See Maucher v. City of   • Requiring the State Board of Education to amend school
 LEARNING   Eloy (App. 1985).                                      district procurement rules to ensure the maximum practicable
 TEMPERATURES   Con  ict of interest laws have been around for a long time.  competition as prescribed by A.R.S. § 41-2565.
 RANGE FROM  School district o   cials should already be aware of current   •    e SBOE School District Procurement Code amendments
 68-74      laws on the books and in policy that prohibit con  icts of  shall require that a person who:

 DEGREES    interest and the acceptance of illegal gifts from vendors. In   • Violates these rules be personally liable for the recovery of
            addition to the heightened focus on these current laws, school  all public monies paid plus 20 percent of that amount and legal
            district o   cials must be aware of the new requirements and
            sanctions enacted by House Bill 2663, which was signed into
            law in May 2018.                                                                     CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
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