Page 29 - AASBO Winter 2019.indd
P. 29


                              BY BILL MUNCH

                              Procurement Dilemmas: When is a ‘Minor

                              Informality’ or ‘Mistake in Bid’ Minor?
            Bill Munch

                 e School District Procurement Rules (R7-2-1001(73))   Although I always struggle as a procurement
            say that “Minor informalities” are mistakes, excluding     officer when I am forced by the stringent
            judgmental errors, that have negligible effect on price,
            quantity, quality, delivery or other contractual terms and   requirements of the invitation to bid
            the waiver or correction of such mistake does not prejudice   process to recommend disqualification of an
            other bidders or o  erors.
                 is article will speci  cally address mistakes in bids where   apparent low bidder, I remind myself that
            the district must determine whether a bid is “responsive.”   compliance with the procurement rules and
            For Requests for Proposals  (RFPs), the  district  must
            determine whether o  ers are “acceptable or unacceptable”   the integrity of the bid process far outweighs
            as opposed to “responsiveness.”    is distinction for RFPs   the potential cost savings. The cost of non-
            along with the fact that mistakes can be corrected during   compliant purchases is much greater. Only
                                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 30            the attorneys win in this situation.


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