Page 10 - พัชรวุธ ภาษาอังกฤษ
P. 10
t\lVIPl Viih 11
--=- NIETS ·.
QJ .!e:J. ' QJ .! amuunoaoumomsfinl:lliiMOlllo (oolimsu111llu)
1UUJ11'YI 3 fl'J.Jill'VH-!11 2561 • National institute of Educational Testing Set-vice (Public O..ganlzatlon) !1tll 15.00- 16.00 'U.
Q ·
18. Students have to get wood for a ·campfire.
The map says, "From the catnpsite, go 400 tnetres to the north, and
another 200 metres to the west. The wood is there."
Which map is correct?
1. 2.
\\'ood 'Vood
3. 4.
Cmnpsitl! Campsitl'
\Yood \Vood