Page 8 - พัชรวุธ ภาษาอังกฤษ
P. 8
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3 Q cf-,1 cJ J r 1 .-& .lJ 2561 -· National Institute of Educatlooal Testmg Service (Public O<ganlzatlon) ~ 1 1 15 • 16 • •
13. What should a driver do when he sees the red traffic light?
1. Park the car.
2. Move the car.
3. Stop the car.
4. Watch the car.
14. Which word has the satne vowel sound as "do"?
1. go
3. to
4. so
15. Which question has a different intonation from the others?
1. Is it okay?
2. What is it?
3. Can you go?
4. Are you all right?