Page 5 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 5

By Neil Vallance
 Fuelling Expert

 s we enter a challenging winter season of training   Nutrient deficiencies can lead to fatigue and potential
 and competition, it is easy to become focused on   injury. We need ALL Macronutrients!!! In general, athletes
 Athe physiological aspects of sport. Most of us don't   have a great understanding of the important biologic
 have the privilege to be professional athletes and have the   values of carbohydrate and protein in their diet. We have
 ability to dedicate our lives to sport, thus we need to   been inundated with information and research that
 balance our commitment to training with work, family and   indicates that as endurance athletes we should be
 other lifestyle choices.   maintaining caloric intakes of 60% and 10-15%,
 respectively. Not a problem! These caloric requirements
 It is, however, easy to forget the important effect that diet   can readily be achieved by consuming a balanced diet
 and proper food choices make on sporting performance.   consisting of whole grains, quality proteins (whether meat
 Many of us compete in seasonal sports and have a more   or vegetarian) and fruits and vegetables. What about the
 rigorous training regime at certain times of the year, but   remaining 25-30% of daily caloric intake? The loathed “F”
 think little of modifying nutritional components that relate   word... fat!!
 to exercise.
 Whether we like to admit it or not, fat is a necessity! It is
  As training intensity and volume increases, it is vitally   your primary energy source during physical activity
 important to increase nutrient intake to accommodate for   (especially during lower intensity) and is more abundant
 the increased metabolic load and requirement for   as a fuel than the other two macronutrients. In fact,
 increased daily caloric intake. Maintaining an isocaloric   average non-obese males range between 9 and 15 kg of
 diet (as estimated using your basal metabolic rate,   triglyceride storage (up to 140,000 kcal of stored energy).
 lifestyle factors and quantity and type of exercise) will   Certain lipids (omega-3) have been shown to be anti-
 effectively allow for weight maintenance and ultimately   inflammatory, antithrombotic, antiarrhythmic, antilipidemic,
 improved physical performance over the course of a   have vasodilatory properties and even affect cell integrity.

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