Page 32 - North Star Magazine 2022
P. 32

  This must not stand. The people united will never be defeated. This must be defeated. If not us, when? If not now, where? If not here, who?
You think you’re watching me. I’m watching you. The whole world is watching. Look. Look. They’re watching you.
     You think you can intimidate me? You think you
can sic your goons on me——have them rough me up, beat
me? Go ahead, try. Have them do their dirtiest. You’ll
have to kill me to stop me. You can’t kill us all. All
we are saying is give peace a chance. The people
defeated can never be united. We shall overstay our
visas. We shall go on a mass hunger strike. We shall
stop shopping. We shall go to the mattresses. We shall
sleep in the streets. We shall occupy your minds.
     You really want to play hardball?
Bring it on.
    Ray returns.
Okay, Mister—uh, Dreyfuss... There's someone here to
see you.
                              Enter MRS. DREYFUSS.
                     MRS. DREYFUSS
Oh, my God, Albie—what are you doing in there?
Cecile, my dear—what are you doing out there?
                     MRS. DREYFUSS
What’s that supposed to mean, Albert?
Why that’s what Henry David Thoreau said to Ralph
Waldo Emerson when the latter came to visit the former
in the hoosegow. Everybody knows that, Cecile.
                     MRS. DREYFUSS
You’re lucky I don’t Ralph-Waldo-Emerson you right in
the you-know-where. You promised me you’d come right

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