Page 45 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 45
Destination Wild: Wild Mongolia The Edge Of Existence
6 x 60’, 4K
1 x 90’, HD
Landlocked at the heart of Asia, Mongolia is a vast country stretching over 600 ‘The Edge of Existence’ tells the story of the human-wildlife conflict in the western
thousand miles between Russia and China. Here, over millions of years, powerful corridor of the Serengeti, Africa, which has reached crisis levels. With some of the
forces have forged some of the most dramatic landscapes on earth. From the last remaining wilderness areas on earth disappearing due to expanding human
continents hottest desert to towering mountain worlds, and the vastest grassland development, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources, it has left humans
that have ever existed. Mongolia is home to some of the toughest, and most and wildlife living in closer proximity that ever before. See through the eyes of the
adaptable animals on Earth. people who live in the Serengeti, and the challenges they face as they struggle to
Off the Fence Productions co-exist with their wild neighbours. Black Bean Productions
Emerald Islands
Of Malaysia Europe’s New Wild Content Available in Italian / Contenuti disponibili in Italiano
1 x 60’, 4K 6 x 60’, 2019, 4K
The islands of Malaysia are jewels of nature: ancient rainforests cascade down ‘Europe’s New Wild’ is the inspiring story of the wild rebirth of a continent. Across
mountains into crystal clear seas. From silvered langurs caring for their bright six episodes, the series reveals the spectacular resurgence of nature across
orange babies and ants tending their herds of mealy bugs, to boisterous Europe’s most varied and breathtaking landscapes. From the Arctic Circle to rich
mudskippers and a noisy fruit bat roost - this is nature at its most extraordinary! river wetlands, from deep forest to rugged mountain peaks, witness Europe’s most
Innovative photography allows us to explore the tiny world of insects, and the iconic wildlife thrive and flourish in the most unexpected places.
beautiful colours of the coral reefs.
Backwards Roll Productions Off the Fence Productions
Hell Below The Last Horns Of Africa
6 x 60’, HD 1 x 90’, HD
Hell below charts the stealth game of subsea warfare, tracking the dramatic This film is a gripping and intimate look at the current rhino poaching war raging
narrative from contact to attack of the greatest submarine patrols of WWII and the across Africa. Follow the journey of two conservation heroes, putting their lives
Cold War. From the rise of the Wolfpack to the drive for victory in the Pacific and on the line, whilst a top-secret, covert operation attempts to bring down South
the cat and mouse games between the NATO and Soviet block. Expert analysis Africa’s rhino poaching syndicates. With never-before-seen footage of South
and stock footage are woven with narrative driven re-enactments to place the Africa’s largest undercover wildlife investigation and interviews with poachers, we
characters at the heart of the action. are thrust into the underground world of rhino horn deals organized by South
Parallax Film Productions Africa’s rhino poaching kingpins. White Spark Pictures/Banovich Studios/
Cross Boarder Productions