Page 46 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 46
Life At The Limits Lobster War
3 x 60’, HD 1 x 74’, HD
Extreme habitats can be found all around the globe. Meet the resident species ‘Lobster War’ is about a conflict between the United States and Canada over
that are pushed to their limits to survive and thrive. There are swimming sloths, waters that they have both have claimed since the end of the Revolutionary War.
birds that breed on volcanoes and bear monkeys with long fur to cope with the The disputed area is known as the Gray Zone and was traditionally fished by US
cold climate while feeding in Sri Lanka’s highest botanical gardens. We’ll discover lobstermen. Due to the waters of the Gulf of Maine warming faster than nearly
the fascinating solutions that animals have developed to survive. Because in the any other body of water on the planet, the modest lobster population has surged.
end, it all comes down to evolution’s hard truth: adapt or die. As a result, Canadians have begun to assert their sovereignty in the area, fighting
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Kingdom Films/ARTE with the Americans to claim the bounty. Lobster War/Gravitas Ventures
Naledi: A Baby The Neanderthals’
Elephants Tale Dark Secret
1 x 90’, HD 1 x 60’, HD
Naledi tells the incredible story of a baby elephant born into a rescue camp in Mystery surrounds the El Sidrón site. Deep inside the forbidding subterranean
the wilderness of Botswana. When she’s suddenly orphaned at one month old, cave system, investigations are in progress. Recently, bones from at least 12
it’s up to the keepers who look after the herd to keep her alive. Camp scientist people and 400 stone tool fragments have been recovered here in Northern
Mike Chase has launched the most ambitious ever census of African elephants: Spain. A shocking story of how this group of six adults, three teenagers, two
a last ditch effort to ensure their survival. He is racing to defend a species while children and a baby may have met their death is waiting to be told. With the
struggling to save a single life. help of internationally acclaimed scientists, this documentary brings these people
Vulcan Productions Inc/Off the Fence back from the past. Terra Mater Factual Studios
The Nuclear Requiem The River And The Wall
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, HD 1 x 97’, 4K
Content Available in Italian / Contenuti disponibili in Italiano
This absorbing film is a meditation on why nuclear weapons still exist, 70 years Follow five friends on an adventure through the unknown wilds of the Texas
on from their creation. The production of the documentary involved interviewing borderlands, travelling 1200 miles from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico. They set
witnesses from a range of different perspectives. It also incorporates a specially out to document the borderlands and explore the potential impacts of a wall on
composed musical piece by French composer Alain Kremski which beautifully the natural environment, but as the wilderness gives way to the more populated
underscores the continuing challenge of dealing with the most lethal weapon and heavily trafficked Lower Rio Grande Valley, they come face-to-face with the
ever created by humankind. human side of the immigration debate and enter uncharted, emotional waters.
Whistling Communications Rio Grande Film, LLC/Gravitas Ventures