Page 36 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 36


       Together, We Dance                                      The Whale Who Saved Me

       ‘Together,  We  Dance’  is  a  story  about  community,   In  2017,  whale  biologist  Nan  Hauser  had  an
       identity and the power of dance. Jonathon Prestney      extraordinary,   one-of-a-kind   experience.   While
       pursued  their  passion  to  become  a  professional    snorkelling in the pristine waters of the Cook Islands,
       dancer.  Their  intense  career  enabled  them  to  tour   a  Humpback  Whale  approached  her  and  for  10
       the world but also led to burnout. In search of respite   minutes  pushed  her  around  with  its  mouth  and  fin.
       they  returned  home  just  before  the  pandemic  hit   This  film  delves  into  the  fascinating  story  of  Nan’s
       giving them time to reflect on friends in the LGBTQ+    interactions with the whale, and seeks to understand
       community  they  had  lost  to  suicide.  Jonathon  felt   why  we,  as  humans,  get  so  much  from  interacting
       compelled  to  share  how  dance  had  helped  them     with  animals,  what  animals  may  take  from  these
       through  their  darkest  days  and  defied  the  odds   experiences, and why we’re more connected to the
       during the pandemic to create Movement Space.           natural world than we realise.

       Genre:   WaterBear Originals                            Genre:   WaterBear Originals
       Format:   1 x 19’ / HD / 2021                           Format:   1 x 12’ / HD / 2021
       Credits:   WaterBear Network                            Credits:  WaterBear Network

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