Page 33 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 33


       The Loco-Motion Picture                                 Trust Me

       Over  billions  of  years,  evolution  has  found  many   ‘Trust Me’ shows how an avalanche of biased news
       different ways for living beings to move from one place   and  misinformation  is  undermining  trust  in  society.
       to another. But why do creatures move around at all?    This  drives  fear,  which  promotes  racism,  political
       The reasons for this behaviour are the driving forces   polarization  and  mental  health  disorders.  When
       of nature. In every region of Earth, the conditions for   people don’t trust each other, they don’t help each
       life are changing all the time. Sunshine or rain, wind   other  and  progress  stalls.  Sensational  media  take
       or thunderstorm, hail or snow, variable temperatures    advantage of our survival instincts to earn more clicks
       as well as differing durations of day and night: these   and ad revenue with shocking headlines and we’re
       ever-changing  conditions  are  driving  creatures,  as   enabling them each time we share. ‘Trust Me’ uses
       these are always looking for a better life – mostly, it’s   compelling human stories, facts and experts to show
       about more food and water, or about shelter against     empirical  realities  and  the  right  way  to  consume
       the weather, or predators.                              media.

       Genre:   Science                                        Genre:   Science / Feature Doc
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2022                           Format:   1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’ / HD / 2020
       Credits:  Terra Mater Studios Production                Credits:   Getting Better Foundation / Wadi Rum Films

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