Page 28 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 28


       Love During Lockup                                      Chasing

       ‘Love  During  Lockup’  follows  the  early  stages  of   Jason Caldwell is an American athlete whose career
       romance  with  a  prisoner-  from  romantic  letters  to   has been defined by a string close misses; he could
       steamy phone calls & more! The prisoner and non-        have  played  pro-baseball  but  for  a  career  ending
       con are constantly trying to figure out if their new love   injury; he almost made the Olympic rowing team but
       really is who they say they are. We explore a brand-    ran out of time. He’s a restless soul looking for a win
       new  side  of  prison  relationships  with  more  drama,   and when he discovers a near impossible, unassisted,
       more  love,  more  scams,  more  catfishing  and  more   3,000-mile  rowing  race  he  believes  his  stars  have
       crazy  reveals  than  ever  before.  A  prison  love  story   aligned.  But  can  he  put  together  a  team  of  elite
       means plenty of romance, suspicion & investigation.     rowers capable of not just winning the race but also
       Will their love last until release day?                 smashing  the  world  record?  When  his  first  attempt
                                                               ends  in  despair,  can  he  learn  from  his  mistakes  in
                                                               order to do the impossible…

       Genre:   Lifestyle                                      Genre:   Travel & Adventure / Feature Doc
       Format:   8 x 60’ / HD / 2022                           Format:   1 x 90’ / HD / 2022
       Credits:  Sharp Entertainment / WE tv                   Credits:   Bow River Films

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