Page 29 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 29


       Fantastic Friends (w/t)                                 Italy Made With Love

       James  and  Oliver  Phelps  enchanted  audiences        One  of  the  world’s  most  visited  countries  stand’s
       worldwide  as  mischievous  but  loveable  twins  Fred   empty  of  tourists  -  the  statue  of  David  is  deserted,
       and  George  Weasley  in  the  Harry  Potter  franchise.   Colosseum  is  clear,  Venice  is  vacant.  Yet,  some  of
       After ten years as part of one of the most iconic film   the most talented artisans continue producing their
       casts in history, James and Oliver have continued to    art and Italian culture continues to thrive… notably
       capture the world’s imagination, travelling the globe   without  any  outside  commotion.  With  exclusive
       on  magical  adventures.  In  ‘Fantastic  Friends’  (w/t),   access to film Italy like never before, ‘Italy Made With
       Jamess  and  Oliver  invite  us  on  their  extraordinary   Love’ is a once in a century opportunity and offers an
       exploits  as  they  meet  spellbinding  guests,  explore   intimate look into Italian culture, where we find the
       enchanting  cities  and  take  on  phenomenal           hidden treasures in each unique region and let the
       challenges…  while  managing  all  kinds  of  mischief   locals share their stories, heritage and culture, as only
       along the way.                                          they can.

       Genre:   Travel & Adventure                             Genre:   Travel & Adventure
       Format:   6 x 60’ / 4K / 2022                           Format:   6 x 60’ / 4K / 2022
       Credits:   Dash Pictures                                Credits:   Symbio Studios

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