Page 30 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 30


       Karabitsu                                               My Greek Odyssey

       Follow a group of the most skilled Japanese master      ‘My  Greek  Odyssey’  takes  viewers  to  some  of  the
       craftsman  as  they  collaborate  and  design  a  new   most  spectacular  and  unique  islands  in  Greece.  In
       ‘Karabitsu’,  a  traditional  and  elaborate  chest     series five, join host Peter Maneas aboard his beautiful
       dedicated to Kobotaishi Kukai, Japan’s best-known       boat Mia Zoi, as he explores the southern and central
       and  most-beloved  Buddhist  saints.  The  camera  will   Cycladic. From the little-known islands like Anafi and
       follow several characters to show various aspects of    Donousa, to the well-known, including Santorini and
       the project and the difficulties Japanese craftsmen     Crete. This is a culturally diverse part of the country
       are  facing.  Remarkable  images  shot  in  4K  will    with dramatic landscapes, rich history and wonderful
       introduce you to the beauty of Japanese traditional     people  to  match.  Peter  will  be  going  from  the
       crafts  and  the  sophisticated  skills  of  the  master   mountaintops to the seafloor, as he delves deep into
       craftsmen.                                              the story of the islands to unearth what makes them
                                                               so special.

       Genre:   Travel & Adventure                             Genre:   Travel & Adventure
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2020                           Format:   54 x 60’ / HD/4K / 2018-2022 - New Series
       Credits:   Tokyovision                                  Credits:   The Rusty Cage

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