Page 23 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 23


       Wales: Spirit of the Dragon                             Wild Romania

       Wales  is  a  land  of  jagged  peaks,  ancient  forests   The  Carpathian  Mountains  and  the  Danube  River
       and  rugged  shores;  magical  landscapes  famous       are birth parents to Romania, the wildest country in
       for  myth  and  legend.  But  this  country  is  also  full  of   Europe. From expansive forests with vast populations
       charismatic  wild  creatures,  whose  own  stories  are   of large carnivores, to majestic peaks and the largest
       every bit as extraordinary as the ancient folklore their   wetland of the continent, the wilderness of Romania is
       home evokes. Their lives are ruled by unpredictable     one of Europe’s best kept secrets.  Over 3 episodes we
       and  wild  weather,  governed  by  the  surrounding     journey into the heart of the Carpathian Mountains,
       ocean. To survive, they must overcome heavy snow,       the country’s backbone. Here, wolves and bears are
       torrential rain and intense heat. In rising to meet such   the rulers of the land. It is as wild as it can get in this
       challenges, they show what is known locally as the      part of the world. This is Europe as it once was. This is…
       dragon’s spirit. This film reveals Wales in all its beautiful,   ‘Wild Romania’.
       wild glory.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife / Feature Doc
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2022                           Format:   3 x 60’ or 1 x 120’ / 4K / 2021
       Credits:   Terra Mater Studios Production               Credits:   SC Filmexplorer Network

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