Page 19 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 19


       Planet California                                       Planet Without Apes

       ‘Planet California’ is a series about California’s wildlife   ‘Planet Without Apes’ follows Michel Abdollahi and
       and wild places, and the extreme forces which are       a  raft  of  reporters  and  activists  worldwide  as  they
       now  pushing  them  to  a  tipping  point.  Employing   bid  to  expose  the  cruel  business  of  the  illegal  ape
       new  science,  combined  with  stunning  images  and    trade. Starting in the Congo with the discovery of a
       storytelling we look at the future for California’s wildlife   bonobo shot by poachers, Michel and his team will
       in  the  face  of  growing  threats.  With  the  increasing   do whatever it takes to expose these criminals. When
       intensity of the extreme forces it is facing – wildfires,   the  team  discover  a  bonobo  with  questionable
       drought, ocean warming and human encroachment           documents  in  a  rooftop  zoo  in  Bangkok,  they  will
       – what is happening to California’s wildlife now, has   need all the help they can get from whistleblowers
       implications  to  wildlife  worldwide.  That’s  why  it  is   and international experts like Jane Goodall if they’re
       ‘Planet California’.                                    going to stand a chance at saving it and claiming a
                                                               victory over the traffickers.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   2 x 60’ / 4K / 2021                           Format:   1 x 60’ / HD / 2021
       Credits:   Terra Mater Factual Studios / Wild Logic / PBS/Doclights /  Credits:   Norddeutscher Rundfunk / Doclights
              NDR Naturfilm / ARTE France

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