Page 14 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 14


       Hippo King                                              Horse Power: American Legacies

       A  giant  hippo  bull  –  a  king  amongst  the  largest   American  horses  are  icons.  Mustang.  Morgan.
       concentration  of  hippos  on  this  planet  –  has  an   Appaloosa. Quarter Horse. Even their names suggest
       incredible story to tell. A story normally hidden from   a timeless power. Horsepower that shaped a nation.
       human  eyes  and  almost  always  misunderstood  –      A  nation  whose  demands  shaped  them.  Each  has
       because his secret life happens beneath the water       a  unique  story  to  tell.  Born  of  legendary  historical
       and under cover of darkness.  For the first time ever,   moments,  charismatic  figures,  and  singular  places,
       we reveal the true character of one of the planet’s     ‘Horse  Power:  American  Legacies’  takes  us  on  a
       largest land mammals as we follow the life story of     journey  tracing  the  emergence  of  these  breeds
       the ‘Hippo King’.                                       over time. But the work to understand, create, and
                                                               maintain their legacies is not over.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2022                           Format:   1 x 60’ / HD / 2022
       Credits:   Terra Mater Factual Studios / Skyland Productions /  Credits:   Terra Mater Studios / Grizzly Creek Film /
              Into Nature Productions. (Full credits online)           The WNET Group (Full Credits Online)

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