Page 13 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 13


       Eyes of the Orangutan                                   Galapagos: Hopes For The Future

       Every year, millions of people travel the world to get   The Galapagos is, like the rest of the world, facing the
       their fix of the cute, the cuddly, and the charismatic.   enormous  threat  of  climate  change.  ‘Galapagos:
       We  take  our  families  to  zoos,  ride  on  the  back  of   Hopes for the Future’ tells the story of the passionate
       elephants,  visit  dolphin  shows  at  aquariums,  and   researchers  who  are  committed  to  protect  and
       watch  animals  perform  tricks  at  circuses.  ‘Eyes  of   conserve  this  special,  but  fragile,  ecosystem.  A
       the Orangutan’ takes you on a journey into the dark     beautiful  story  with  striking  images  of  unspoiled
       heart  of  the  wildlife  tourism  industry,  where  Aaron   nature and extraordinary species that takes you on
       Gekoski discover’s the Orangutan’s part in this multi-  an inspiring journey towards a sustainable future.
       billion-dollar industry.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife / Feature Doc
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2021                           Format:   1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’ or 2 x 60’ / 4K / 2022
       Credits:   Terra Mater Factual Studios / Chris Scarffe Film and   Credits:   NCF
              Photography Production

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