Page 16 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 16


       Miami Wild                                              Nanling Mountains

       The stories of American cities are inextricably linked   In the south of China lies the Nanling mountains, the
       with  the  tales  of  immigrants  making  their  lives   epicenter of a sub-tropical paradise. This is home of
       there.  Nowhere  is  this  more  obvious  than  in  Miami,   some  of  the  rarest  and  most  bizarre  species  found
       a  city  Barack  Obama  called  “the  capital  of  Latin   nowhere  else  but  here.  This  series  first  explores  the
       America.” In the last century, Miami has also become    intricate  relationship  between  the  mountains’
       a melting pot of animal immigrants from around the      feathery  inhabitants  and  the  change  of  seasons,
       globe. Miami Wild is a wildlife story that’s never been   highlighting  some  of  the  most  unique  courting  and
       told  before:  the  story  of  animal  immigrants  staking   parenting rituals in the world of birds. The second part
       their  claim  and  creating  new  lives  for  themselves   of the series unveils the hidden side of this paradise
       alongside  people  and  native  species  in  America’s   -  a  chain  of  survival  stories  unfolding  each  day,
       wildest metropolis.                                     reminding us of the beauty and fragility of life.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2021                           Format:   2 x 30’ / 4K / 2021
       Credits:   Terra Mater Factual Studios / Day’s Edge Productions /   Credits:   Shenzhen Vision Documentary Culture Co., Ltd
              Viacom International Inc

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