Page 17 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 17


       Otters And The Exotic Pet Trade                         Our Big Blue Backyard

       This  is  a  story  of  gangsters  and  guns,  mammals   ‘Our Big Blue Backyard’ explores the unique marine
       and  middlemen.  Japanese  otter  cafés  and  social    locations  around  New  Zealand’s  coastline  and  its
       media  influencers  are  driving  increased  demand     local  islands.  The  series  reveals  the  daily  dramas,
       for  pet  otters  all  over  the  world,  with  devastating   challenges and triumphs of the marine animals who
       consequences. These otters might be adorable, but       live  in  these  neighbourhoods  -  from  iconic  Orca,
       the  truth  behind  this  trade  is  anything  but.  Ripped   dolphins  and  sharks  through  to  blue  cod,  snappers
       from  the  wild  or  irresponsibly  bred,  orphaned  by   and crayfish and everything in between. ‘Our Big Blue
       poachers  and  confined  in  unnatural  environments,   Backyard’ connects the audience to these creatures
       these otters live a life of extreme misery.  Following   like never before.
       World Animal Protection intelligence, environmental
       photojournalist Aaron Gekoski investigates Otters and
       the Exotic Pet Trade.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2019                           Format:   11 x 60’ / HD / 2014-2016 - Series 3 in production
       Credits:   Aaron Gekoski & Will Foster-Grundy for       Credits:   NHNZ Worldwide
              World Animal Protection

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