Page 22 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 22


       The Stork Army: Women Fighting For The Hargila          Voices Of Earth

       In South East Asia the Greater Adjutant Stork, known    In the vast, extensive places on Earth, as the expansion
       locally  as  the  Hargila,  is  a  sight  to  behold.  But  this   of  modern  civilisation  threatens  to  destroy  the  last
       towering bird has seen its numbers dwindling rapidly    remaining  paradises  on  the  planet,  twelve  human
       to the point of endangerment. One woman has made        beings  have  managed  to  preserve  an  ancestral
       it  her  mission  to  save  this  species  from  extinction.   pact  of  coexistence  with  the  wilds  of  nature.  We
       Purnima  Devi  Burman  decided  she  had  to  take      travel across the globe, seeking out the testimonies of
       matters into her own hands, with no support from the    those who have learned how to preserve this unique
       government or financial resources, she raised a team    symbiosis  with  nature,  to  live  first-hand  experiences
       of female environmental warriors to join her fight to   based  on  a  chain  of  respect  and  love  between
       save the Hargilas. She christened them ‘The Hargila     human beings and Mother Earth.
       Army’ - and this is their story.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   1 x 60’ / 4K / 2021                           Format:   6 x Various / 4K / 2021
       Credits:   Gruppe 5                                     Credits:   Old Port Films / Gariza Films

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