Page 15 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 15


       Last Of The Right Whales                                Lions, Bones & Bullets

       North Atlantic right whales are dying faster than they   Penguin Random House author, Richard Peirce, leads
       can reproduce.  With less than 400 remaining, these     the  dramatic  adventure  from  lion  farms  in  South
       great  whales  rarely  die  of  natural  causes.  Instead   Africa to wildlife traffickers in Laos and Vietnam. He
       they are run over by ships or suffer lethal injuries from   makes a shocking discovery that wildlife ranchers in
       fishing gear. If we don’t stop killing them, in 20 years   South  Africa  are  farming  lions  in  their  thousands  to
       they could be extinct. From the only known calving      export  their  bones  to  Asia  for  traditional  medicine.
       grounds to the shifting feeding grounds, ‘Last of the   Richard  battles  to  uncover  the  elaborate  wildlife
       Right Whales’ follows the North Atlantic right whale    fraud  of  processing  lion  bones  into  food  products
       migration  and  the  people  committed  to  saving  a   which could contain the ‘world’s deadliest infectious
       species  still  struggling  to  recover  from  centuries  of   disease.’  The  heart-warming  tale  of  two  lion  cubs
       hunting.                                                given a new life, along with positive approaches to
                                                               wild lion conservation resolves the film with positivity.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife / Feature Doc                Genre:   Nature & Wildlife / Feature Doc
       Format:   1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’ / 4K / 2022                Format:   1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’ / HD / 2021
       Credits:   Hit Play Productions                         Credits:   Jagged Peak Films

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