Page 64 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 64


       Ireland’s Secrets From Above                            Blue Carbon

       From  above,  Ireland  becomes  a  different  world.    From  award-winning    Director,  Nicolas  Brown  and
       Looking down, the secrets of its natural landscape,     Executive  Produced  by  Oscar-nominated  director,
       architecture, history, and human experience come        Fernando  Meirelles,  ‘Blue  Carbon’  unpacks  the
       to  light  in  new  and  unexpected  ways.  The  hidden   science  around  the  ocean’s  ability  to  absorb
       stories, memories, and the mythologies of a nation,     significantly more carbon from the atmosphere than
       are  written  into  the  very  landscape  itself.  Filmed   trees on the land.  Filmed across a year in Colombia,
       exclusively  from  above  using  the  latest  drone     Brazil,  Vietnam,  USA,  France  and  Senegal,  ‘Blue
       technology,  this  documentary  series  showcases       Carbon’  may  be  the  newfound  weapon  to  battle
       Ireland,  in  all  its  splendours  and  secrets  like  never   climate change, but these vital ecosystems are also
       before.                                                 disappearing by the day.  Told through the eyes of
                                                               Grammy-nominated DJ and marine biologist Jayda
                                                               G, this is a visual tour de force.

       Genre:   Travel & Adventure                             Genre:   Science / Environmental / Feature Doc
       Format:   2 x 60’ / 4K / 2022                           Format:   1 x 90’ / 4K / 2023
       Credits:  Tile Films / TG4 / Tourism Ireland            Credits:  Make Waves Media

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