Page 68 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 68


       A User’s Guide To The Voice                             Ancestors: The Burials that Made Europe

       Humans are the only creatures on the planet with a      This is a new story of Europe’s prehistory, written in the
       voice and it’s not just for transmitting language. The   DNA of our buried ancestors. Archaeology is being
       very sound of speech can speak volumes about your       revolutionized  by  the  science  of  genetics,  and  we
       birthplace,  social  status,  education  and  even  your   have exclusive access to one of the most ambitious
       sexual orientation. But what makes one voice sound      ancient  DNA  projects  of  all  time.  Acclaimed
       authoritative  and  another  meek  and  submissive?     broadcaster  Professor  Alice  Roberts  will  use  this
       Why  are  we  attracted  to  some  voices  and  not     work  to  reveal  deadly  pandemics,  technological
       others?  We’re  not  born  speaking  so  how  do  we    revolutions, and huge migrations that had previously
       learn? Could you change your voice if you wanted        lain  hidden.  Alice  will  walk  in  the  footsteps  of  our
       to? ‘A User’s Guide To The Voice’ is a loud and clear   ancestors, from the time of the Neanderthals to the
       documentary that reveals the magic and mysteries of     Roman  era,  transforming  our  understanding  of  our
       the remarkable mechanism that is the human voice.       continent’s past.

       Genre:   Science                                        Genre:   History
       Format:   1 x 60’ / HD / 2022 (In Production)           Format:   6 x 60’ / HD
       Credits:  Markham Street Films                          Credits:  Off the Fence Productions
                                                               Delivery: TBA

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