Page 72 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 72


       Return To The Deep: With Fabien Cousteau                Spirit Of Colombia

       Armed  with  a  slew  of  new  technologies  and        Throughout the year and triggered by the seasons,
       filmmaking techniques, Fabien Cousteau, the eldest      dramatic  animal  behaviour  and  wildlife  events
       grandchild of legendary undersea explorer Jacques-      explode  all  around  Colombia.  These  natural
       Yves  Cousteau,  leads  a  team  of  daring  aquanauts   phenomena  inspire  people’s  own  festivities  and
       on  a  thrilling  adventure  to  fulfill  his  life’s  mission:  to   rituals.  This  film  will  be  a  sensational  cinematic
       continue his grandfather’s legacy. Fabien will explore   experience,  weaving  together  spectacular  wildlife
       spectacular locations across the globe, seeing how      events - such as the mass schooling of hammerhead
       our  ocean  and  its  inhabitants  are  surviving  in  a   sharks,  the  flooding  of  the  mighty  Amazon  jungle
       changing world, discovering secrets that could drive    and the breeding seasons of Colombia’s diverse and
       forward  the  science  needed  to  save  our  planet’s   majestic birds - with people’s dramatic interpretation
       seas, and pushing forward his ambitious vision for the   and portrayal of them through spiritual and cultural
       underwater ‘space station’ Proteus.                     celebration.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife / Feature Doc
       Format:   6 x 60’ / HD                                  Format:   1 x 90’ / HD
       Credits:  Off the Fence Productions                     Credits:  Off the Fence Productions
       Delivery: TBA                                           Delivery: TBA
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