Page 71 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 71


       Mesoamerica: The Gaurdians of the Forest                The Real Unicorn

       Only  five  Central  American  forests  remain  from  the   It  was  pure  chance  that  on  the  24th  June,  2012,
       huge  biological  gateway  that  once  connected        Rosmarie  Ruf  was  not  at  the  headquarters  of  the
       the  northern  and  southern  parts  of  the  American   Okapi Conservation Project in Epulu. Otherwise she
       continent,  now  fragmented,  and  threatened  by       would be dead. That day the guerrila group Mai Mai
       intensive logging. This series travels to the heart of the   Simba  attacked the conservation centre’s facilities.
       Central American Amazon to meet the environmental       Killing  six  of  Rosmarie’s  companions  and  the  14
       activists, indigenous people and locals calling for the   ambassador okapis of the conservation programme,
       tide  to  be  turned  against  deforestation  and  where   along  with  kidnapping  28  women.  10  years  later,
       we discover the animals that are under threat and       Rosmarie  will  bring  together  an  experienced  team
       need the forests, their home, to be allowed to grow     of rangers, Mbuti and veterinarians to capture three
       back, so that they may return to the land they used     okapis  with  which  to  resurrect  the  conservation
       to occupy.                                              project. A conservation mission, never filmed before.

       Genre:   Nature & Wildlife                              Genre:   Nature & Wildlife
       Format:   3 x 60’ or 1 x 60’ / 4K                       Format:   1 x 90’/120’or 2/4 x 60’ / HD
       Credits:  Bamboo Doc                                    Credits:  Federation Entertainment
       Delivery: Q3 2023                                       Delivery: Q3 2023
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