Page 74 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 74


       My Beautiful Body                                       Vive La Sape

       The human body. We are all born with one and yet we     This coming-of-age story is a celebration of African
       have no input into its design, function or appearance.   culture  that  follows  the  transformative  journeys  of
       It’s  a  genetic  lottery.  Sure,  we  can  make  cosmetic   an aspiring Sapeur and Sapeuse, as they prepare to
       changes,  but  for  the  most  part,  we  are  stuck  with   compete at Congo’s renowned dance of designer
       the  equipment  we  are  given.  For  better  or  worse.   labels  competition,  learning  the  fundamentals  of
       ‘My Beautiful Body’ brings viewers unique access to     la  Sape;  the  philosophy,  their  resilience,  and  their
       people with notable bodies - focusing each episode      near  religious  devotion  to  fashion.  Through  our
       on  a  particular  body  part  or  body  type.  This  fun,   female characters’ lives, we grasp how the Sapeuse
       barrier-breaking series is a body-positive celebration   find  empowerment  from  the  image  they  project
       of the diversity of the human experience as defined     against entrenched gender stereotypes, with many
       by - and in spite of - the bodies we inhabit.           subjected  to  homophobia  or  transphobia  because
                                                               they want to be like men.

       Genre:   People & Culture                               Genre:   People & Culture
       Format:   10 x 60’ / HD                                 Format:   1 x 90’ / HD
       Credits:  Markham Street Films                          Credits:  Brave Indie / Backwards Roll Productions / Spring Films
       Delivery: 12 months from green light                    Delivery: 15 months from green-light
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