Page 75 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 75


       Hidden                                                  Barwin’s Babies

       ‘Hidden’ is a new, cinema-grade series - the ultimate   ‘Barwin’s  Babies’  tells  the  shocking  story  of  a
       marriage  between  technology  and  storytelling.  It   celebrated  fertility  doctor  who,  in  the  2010s,  was
       brings  to  screen  things  rarely  seen,  revealing  them   discovered to have impregnated dozens of women
       in definition not previously possible. In this series, we   with the wrong sperm - in many cases, his own sperm.
       literally  reveal  a  world  that  has  been  hidden  from   Told in the style of elevated true crime series like ‘Wild,
       the human eye. Over three episodes we will feature      Wild Country’, the series recounts Barwin’s deceptions
       three  countries  in  cutting-edge  8K  resolution,  with   over a 30-year period in a dramatic fashion, exposing
       an  immersive  22.2  surround  soundscape.  ‘Hidden’    deep  flaws  in  fertility  medicine  worldwide,  and  the
       uncovers  places,  people  and  pastimes  not  usually   cascading effect of his actions on dozens of families.
       featured  in  guidebooks.  We  use  insider  knowledge
       and the know-how needed to reach and experience

       Genre:   Travel & Adventure                             Genre:   Crime
       Format:   3 x 60’ / 8K                                  Format:   3 x 60’ / HD
       Credits:  Dash Pictures                                 Credits:  Markham Street Films
       Delivery: 9 months from green light                     Delivery: 12 months from green light
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